Wednesday, October 15, 2014

edisi : ketemu artis, moonshine effect&3rd bday

Note :
tulisan dan gambar disini, murni hasil karya ibu (deputy) Inga dan beberapa mamas march2011 lainnya. yang diupload ke web TUM thread Birthclub kontes dalam rangka memeriahkan kontes menjelang ultah ke-5 TUM bulan desember nanti..
Kontes ini dilaksanakan sep-end nov..

tujuan gw ngopas yang bunga aplot di tret, maksudnya supaya jadi file dan kenang-kenangan di blog ini yang udah lama mati suri :p
semoga dengan adanya kontes ini ataupun tak adanya kontes ini, kita bisa terus kompak ya mamas :p



Enjoy it...

postingan pertama  (6/9/2014)

Pagi mamas... (March11 Mamas)
Masih ngubek-ngubek foto untuk diupload. Mudah-mudahan bisa dicicil weekend ini. Maklum kuli jadi ngga bisa upload foto lebih awal. Kalo ada foto baru langsung aja taro di fotoember.
Test upload foto dulu ya.
And thelilsolder is back. Fire!

There is always a different story in every parenting style, we want to share ours in a comical way*
March11 Mamas
March11 Mamas punya dsa andalan, yang bisa ditanya kapan aja dari bangun tidur sampe mau merem lagi. Sosok impian kami (emm maksudnya gue), ngga berhenti bikin kagum dan siap-siap nganga mangap jaw drop setiap denger cerita mama satu ini.
Edisi ketemu artis.
biar lebih jelas hihihihi
kecup basah semuanya..
ayo pupuran, malu ah sama yang sibuk jungkir balik di ugd tapi muka ngga lecek.
Each one of us has different characters.
This mama never runs out of excuse.
Ada aja alesan untuk missed out a meet up. Orangnya ngga ada dalam foto (ya kan gak dateeeng).
Daftar alesan:
1. Lift matek
2. Lagi sibuk kerja (as I said, gue ini kuli)
3. Salah waktu (lunch is never after office hour -- noted)
4. Salah tempat (FX is in senayan but not the same with Plaza Senayan -- welllll noted)
mamas pasti lebih hafal alesan gue gak ikut keramaian ibukota
After all those reasons they still accept me for we are all weirdo and came from different planets.
And thelilsolder is back. Fire!
Teaser... up next ya, gue mau berenang, main piano, jalan-jalan dulu.
Just because we're mamas we can't have fun.
My girlfriends know how to have fun.
And it's the food for our soul hehehe..
Edisi: Moonshine Effect
We weren't losing our mind. Moonshine effect to us is just ... just fun.
as Rafael from Rio 2 suggested: "happy wife, happy life"
Before the concert: nyanyi nyanyi, ketawa ketiwi, ngerumpi..
After the concert: mata 5 watt. (harap maklum, kale gue emang dari sananya udah cipit).
here you go mamas...
now you know why we call ourselves gang kesetrum. oh belum cerita ya kenapa namanya gang kesetrum.. nanti ya sekarang proses upload foto sambil cerita dikit-dikit. dikit aja biar kesannya misterius.
#tumbff #march11mama #gangkesetrum
Teaser lagi deh.. ini biar weekend tapi gue tetep sibuk. Sibuk tidoor...
Pencitraan dikit: udah berenang, udah latian piano.
Coming up: Edisi Ultah Ke-3.
Sebelum sampai ke event itu, allow me to share another comical story, edisi Anak Berpelampung di Mall. It's just too amusing to miss.
Yup they're not babies, not toddlers, not yet big kids..
They can be terrific and terrible as us to them but we love them so much as they love us.
Grow well, be yourself, be happy and spread happiness to others.
Hope you find our stories amusing and bring smile to your face.
Happy weekend all mamas, all urban mamas, all birth club.
See you soon.
much love,
March11 Mamas